Another important feature of the 1950s to 1970s was the release of the New World Translation of the Holy Scriptures. The New Testament (the Greek Scriptures) was first released in 1950 and the first of the Hebrew Scriptures was released in 1953. The whole Bible was translated and released by 1960.
What we did not know was that we were being lied to the entire time. At the big International Conventions we were told that the Society had employed highly qualified scholars and translators to do the hard work. We were given word pictures of highly qualified brothers and non-Witness scholars viewing the Dead Sea Scrolls, accessing museums and libraries around the world (even the Vatican was mentioned), and pouring over ancient manuscripts with magnifying glasses, etc.
We would all cheer and clap and stand up to applaud the hard work being done. I remember getting my very own first leather bound edition of the complete NWT Bible in 1960.
But it was all lies. All a sham. We did not have specialized scholars accessing manuscripts and papyrus rolls in the British Museum and the Vatican. None of that ever happened. It was just Freddy Franz and a few specialized hellpers who took other modern and popular translations, along with the Emphatic Diaglott and similar books and then rewording using more modern (but not necessarily conversational) speech and writing styles. Freddy would approve and then read sections to Brother Knorr and the other officers of the Watchtower. They would rubberstamp his work and it would get published.
The fact is that we were scammed - and still are being scammed. They just outright lied to us from 1950 to 1975. They simply pulled it all out of Freddie's ass that whole time. Frankly I'm surprised that Raymond Franz, who all but acknowledged that he was aware of what happened, didn't throw in the towel earlier. It had to be bothering his conscience knowing that his uncle was scamming everyone.